Who is Anneli
and the Mission & Vision from To Be
About Me
I am Anneli Hansson (1982). I have been living in Madrid with my husband and 3 beautiful sons for 2 years. As we moved to Spain, I had to quit my job as a teacher at a Jenaplanschool after 13 years. I now had the chance to enjoy quality time with our children and to study again.
In 2001 I wrote for my education Social Work (SW) mijn thesis about New Age Children. I recognised myself completely in this description, but because I then went to the Teacher-college and therefore went to live away from home in Nijmegen, I had ‘no time’ to get started with these abilities. I knew I was highly sensitive, but I was not yet ready to do anything with it.
Since a burnout in 2014, I got the opportunity to develop myself. I started working on myself and learned a lot about my high sensitivity. I followed a mindfulness-training (MBSR) at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the training: ‘Intuitive Development & Healing’ at Itaka in Wageningen and received guidance from a fantastic therapist. Thanks to these training courses and guidance I have developed myself. I got to know myself, learned to accept who I am and I learned to appreciate myself. I have learned to listen to my body and my heart. I’ve grown to love myself! I can say with all my heart that I can now be who I really am.
At the beginning of 2019, I started studying again, thanks to our movement to Madrid. That year I completed the training to become a child coach. After that I specialized as a coach of highly sensitive children (HSC) at www.eigentijdsekinderen.nl. Since high sensitivity is hereditary, I also trained as a coach highly sensitive persons (HSP). I now coach children, adults and families. Because I work a lot with children and (one of) their parents and this has a lot of impact in the family, I am now training to become a family therapist. Because of my experience as a Remedial Teacher and because as a teacher I have taught in all groups in primary education, I also give RT and homework support. High sensitivity is a daily issue in my family. All my family members are highly sensitive. Each in their own way. It remains a wonderful challenge to find a good balance with the high-sensation-seeker, the peace-seeker and the strong-willed family members. My experience with high sensitivity in the family has made it My Mission to contribute to greater recognition and acknowledgment of high sensitivity. That is why I also give lectures about high sensitivity to adults, parents and teachers.
“What counts in life is not the fact that we have lived, it is what difference we have made to the lives of others.” Nelson Mandela

Who is Anneli
Anneli is sensitive, spontaneous, open and transparent. She is a very empathetic and creative person who sees children and brings them into contact with their self-confidence and talents. She guides parents and families in the home situation. Thanks to her many years of experience as a teacher and her knowledge and home experience with high sensitivity, she informs and inspires parents and teachers about this beautiful characteristic.

Mission & Vision of To Be
I was on the bus. I picked up my notebook and started drawing…
“A tree. A tree with roots and branches. BE.. Be yourself, from your roots to your crown . With love. Leaves hang from the branches, the love you want to share from your heart with the world around you. TO BE .. And I will guide you in that. TO BE, BY ANNELI. From your roots for a good foundation. Self-confidence. Then take this power upwards, from your roots up, through all your chakras to your crown. Until you can be yourself all the way from toe to top, can rely on yourself, can be who you are. And then, when you can be yourself completely, then you can share all the love you feel with others. And you can be there for others. But first …. TO BE … yourself.”
And suddenly I had my vision, mission and my logo.
My Mission: Be yourself, follow your hart, trust yourself. Be who you are and be who you want to be.
I have another Mission: As I described in the section above, my experience with high sensitivity with myself and with my family, has made it My Mission to contribute to more recognition and acknowledgment of high sensitivity.

Currently I only work online or on location – The Netherlands
Make an Appointment
Face – to – face
Monday – Friday: 09.00 – 15.30
On Saturdays or in the evenings in consultation